The Joke Is On Them
The Joke Is On Them by Karen Schumacher Across America people are at each other’s throats, divided, with what appears to be little hope of coming together on the importance of retaining a bonded society. [Read More]
The Joke Is On Them by Karen Schumacher Across America people are at each other’s throats, divided, with what appears to be little hope of coming together on the importance of retaining a bonded society. [Read More]
It’s NOT A Challenge – It’s A FELONY! By Shari Dovale There is a debate on whether Social Media has driven the youth of our world to extreme attention seeking behavior, or whether the mental [Read More]
The Reality of Democrats Open Border Stance by Shari Dovale Recent headlines show the Democrat Presidential hopefuls are all in for illegal immigration. This can be annoying for many of us that have followed the [Read More]
Millennials May Love Socialism, But Socialism Won’t Love Them Back Americans’ heavy flirtation with socialism continues, and nowhere is that more evident than in America’s youth. For many millennials, socialism appears to be both a [Read More]
America’s Spending Is Leading To Its Self Destruction By Christian Schwab The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has warned the American government’s present spending course will reach 123% GDP within 10 years. Republicans talk a lot [Read More]
Socialism: Youth Do Not Understand the Definition by Shari Dovale It was not that long ago that the horrors of Communism were taught in school. Just a generation or two ago, school children were instructed [Read More]
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