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The Democrat’s Destructive Triangle

The Democrat’s Destructive Triangle

July 9, 2019 0

The Democrat’s Destructive Triangle by Pete Ketcham In our nation today there are many issues that are impacting our nation in a negative way, but there are three national entities/issues that are having the greatest [Read More]


Conservatives Should Be Facing Reality

February 8, 2019 7

Conservatives Should Be Facing Reality by Pete Ketcham On numerous occasions, I and many others have criticized the godless liberal left for their lack of common sense and ability to see reality. There is no [Read More]


Democrat Politicians Are Irrelevant

December 28, 2018 3

Democrat Politicians Are Irrelevant By Pete Ketcham Most political statements liberal Democrat politicians make concerning national and state issues, are totally irrelevant, as they are not based on logic or facts, but on their delusional [Read More]


Demonization and Labels by Pete Ketcham

December 3, 2018 2

Demonization and Labels by Pete Ketcham INTRODUCTION In our nation today, the liberal left has successfully created a cultural and political  climate based on a false foundation of victim-hood, demonization ,and labels. The  technique to [Read More]


The Political Civil War, Is Here by Pete Ketcham

October 9, 2018 7

The Political Civil War, Is Here by Pete Ketcham The following civil war definition by Wikipedia describes what has been, and is currently taking place in our nation in the political arena: “A civil war, also known [Read More]


California Disconnect by Pete Ketcham

April 6, 2018 1

California  Disconnect by Pete Ketcham Reality dictates that there will eventually be consequences for actions, either good or bad. This fact has consistently been born out through the political history of our nation. In direct [Read More]


Joan Baez … and the Confederates

May 31, 2017 12

Joan Baez … and the Confederates By Chris Walsh Joan was welcomed into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame this year; at long last. Now, for those of you that don’t know Joan, she [Read More]


Democrats vs. America By Rich Loudenback

April 1, 2017 2

Democrats vs. America By Rich Loudenback (Gem State Patriot) – I remember one of the late Johnny Carson’s best one-liners in 1964 when he said, “I heard a guy was just told that President Johnson [Read More]

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