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KrisAnne Hall She Is A Self-Avowed Constitutionalist!

OMG! She Is A Self-Avowed Constitutionalist!

November 22, 2019 1

OMG! She Is A Self-Avowed Constitutionalist! by Shari Dovale If you listen closely, you might actually hear the Liberal heads explode, as they went bonkers over KrisAnne Hall coming to Wenatchee to speak to the [Read More]

Proof Of Liberal Media Propaganda Against Trump

Proof Of Liberal Media Propaganda Against Trump

November 20, 2019 2

Proof Of Liberal Media Propaganda Against Trump by Shari Dovale The Liberal Media thought they had a bombshell story against President Trump … Again. The United Nations, in all their Globalist Elite animosity towards President [Read More]

Guardian Proves Matt Shea Is Not Racist

Guardian Proves Rep. Matt Shea Is Not Racist

November 16, 2019 1

Guardian Proves Rep. Matt Shea Is Not Racist by Shari Dovale The Antifa-supporting Commies at the Guardian have repeatedly tried to convince you that good Conservative Christians are Bad. They are so fanatical about it [Read More]

First Day of Impeachment Hearings

First Day of Impeachment Hearings

November 14, 2019 1

First Day of Impeachment Hearings By Rep. Russ Fulcher I was personally in attendance for much of the first impeachment hearing yesterday. The basis for this impeachment inquiry surrounds a phone call President Trump had [Read More]

Impeachment Theatre

Impeachment Theatre

October 21, 2019 0

Impeachment Theatre by Brent Regan Impeachment Theater won’t change President Trump’s future, but it will change ours. Progressive Democrats have been calling for President Trump’s impeachment since election night.  Apparently unable to process the fact [Read More]

Fox News Goes To The Dark Side

Fox News Goes Completely To The Dark Side

October 15, 2019 2

Fox News Goes Completely To The Dark Side by Shari Dovale In a recent Fox News poll, the network stated that the majority of Americans (51%) wanted the impeachment of President Trump. This is disingenuous [Read More]

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