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History Reimagined

January 16, 2024 0

History Reimagined By Karen Schumacher In 2021, concern was raised about the Idaho K-12 Civics and U.S. History standards, adopted in 2016.  “Lack of specificity is both cause and consequence of a more general lack [Read More]

Bob Shillingstad

Jews Blessed America

December 8, 2023 2

Jews Blessed America Setting History Straight! By Bob Shillingstad It has been unbelievable and disheartening to see the Anti-Semitic demonstrations against Israel and the Jews across the world and particularly in America. At the time [Read More]


History Repeats Itself (Almost)

February 13, 2022 1

History Repeats Itself (Almost) by Pete Ketcham In world war II (WW2) we struggled against an evil alliance of a European country and an Asian country, principally Nazi Germany and Japan, both driven by the [Read More]

Kent State Massacre

May 4, 1970: Kent State Massacre

May 4, 2021 0

May 4, 1970: Kent State Massacre On May 4, 1970, in Kent, Ohio, 28 National Guardsmen fire their weapons at a group of anti-war demonstrators on the Kent State University campus, killing four students, wounding [Read More]

Easter Rebellion Begins

History: Easter Rebellion Begins

April 24, 2021 0

Easter Rebellion Begins On April 24, 1916, on Easter Monday in Dublin, the Irish Republican Brotherhood, a secret organization of Irish nationalists led by Patrick Pearse, launches the so-called Easter Rebellion, an armed uprising against [Read More]