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The Coming Crises

December 28, 2023 0

The Coming Crises (No One Is Predicting) By Pete Ketcham Most people are aware of the ongoing southern border crises (except Joe Biden), and are hoping there is a solution soon, but many people do [Read More]


Follow the FAKE Science!

May 18, 2023 0

Follow the FAKE Science! by Shari Dovale There is ongoing evidence that current scientific papers that are being published are actually Fake, and this has been happening for some time. A neuropsychologist by the name of [Read More]

Protect Children
Letters to the Editor

Give Me My Negative Rights, Please

October 22, 2022 0

Give Me My Negative Rights, Please Both the supreme laws of the US and the State of Idaho are founded on principles of negative rights (basically, the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness [Read More]

Heart of Hope Health

Heart of Hope Health

May 2, 2022 0

Heart of Hope Health Where the Heart Matters Editor’s note: I looked, as the author advises, and joined. The people there have been friendly, helpful and polite! We are more than happy to print this [Read More]

WGA Is Forcing Healthcare Change
Agenda 21/2030

WGA Is Forcing Healthcare Change

June 4, 2021 0

WGA Is Forcing Healthcare Change by Karen Schumacher Part of the Western Governors Association (WGA) new Western Prosperity Roundtable (WPR) platform is to completely reorient how one receives care for their health.  Webinars were previously [Read More]

Vaccine Passport - segregation Your Travel Papers
Covid 1984

Vaccine Passport – Soon Your Travel Papers

March 28, 2021 0

Vaccine Passport – Soon Your Travel Papers Editorial by Bret Roush The Covid-19(84) passport, with lockdowns and masking, the economic pressure placed on businesses, especially the entertainment venues, has made them leap to support the [Read More]

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