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Great Reset decisions
Agenda 21/2030

The Great Reset Is Local – Part 2

November 4, 2021 0

The Great Reset Is Local – Part 2 by Karen Schumacher In the prior article, The Great Reset Is Local, money given to counties from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) is meant to implement [Read More]

When Feds Think They Are Above The Law

When Feds Think They Are Above The Law

February 16, 2021 1

When Feds Think They Are Above The Law by Shari Dovale Even Federal ATF agents must comply with the law!  Oh my, an out-of-control Federal Agent received a taste of what the average person fears [Read More]


Shutdown the Federal Government

February 7, 2019 3

Shutdown the Federal Government by Nick Henderson Have you ever tried to change a light bulb in a lamp that belongs to the Federal Government? It’s laughably sad, but illustratively eye opening when you land [Read More]


Bureaucratic Empire (AKA The Deep State)

April 22, 2018 1

Bureaucratic Empire (AKA The Deep State) by Pete Ketcham We have all experienced complete frustration as we have dealt with various Federal agencies, most common to us such as the IRS, BLM, USFS, EPA, FAA,  [Read More]


The Supreme Court And Our Monetary System

December 11, 2017 1

America Divided, Part 3 The Supreme Court And Our Monetary System   by Christian Schwab Over the last 50 years the Supreme Court started moving away from looking to the Federalist Papers or the intent [Read More]


America Divided: News and Fake News

December 7, 2017 1

America Divided, Part 2 News and Fake News by Christian Schwab In my last article I discussed how much time and energy DC Legislators spend fundraising and their misunderstanding of taxation,  The new DC dictionary, [Read More]


America Divided – by Christian Schwab

December 4, 2017 0

America Divided *In this series we will look at how our politics has become decisive. by Christian Schwab Left or Right, Real News or Fake, everything these days seem polarized. The issues are large; Gun [Read More]

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