Say No To The WHO
Say No To The WHO By Karen Schumacher The World Health Organization (WHO) will be voting on the Pandemic “Agreement” (which was cleverly renamed as an agreement to avoid required Senate advise and consent if [Read More]
Say No To The WHO By Karen Schumacher The World Health Organization (WHO) will be voting on the Pandemic “Agreement” (which was cleverly renamed as an agreement to avoid required Senate advise and consent if [Read More]
Nullification By Karen Schumacher Much has been written about the difficulties that are in abundance throughout America, but often there are few concrete solutions offered that can be instituted for correction. Taking a look at [Read More]
IDFG & Wildlife Disease By Karen Schumacher Tremendous dichotomies exist with land management. Money pours in for forest fire prevention while at the same time forests are allowed to become burdened with fuel loads that [Read More]
Beware of Sources By Jeremy Conlin Here is cherry picking for you. On June 19, 2021, The American Thinker published “Climate Change Drought Fairy Tale Season Is Here”, by H. Sterling Burnett which provides valuable [Read More]
The Freakin Weather Is Now Racist! What Next? by Shari Dovale The Commies at University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill have done a study that is all about more reparations for people that have [Read More]
Salmon Recovery Why Removing the Dams Should be Prevented by Ronald M. Harriman It’s time to drop the myths, pseudo-scientific suppositions, and incomplete studies that have prevented effectively solving Salmon passage from the ocean to [Read More]
Q&A Debate About President Trump by Brent Regan A close friend was having a debate about our President with a liberal relative. He sent me on a list of their talking point questions. I took [Read More]
Dam Removal Is Unnecessary & Harmful To Salmon and Washington & Oregon Economies by Ronald M. Harriman In the recent 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, Columbia Riverkeeper V. Wheeler case, the 12-20-2019 decision is [Read More]
A State Run Collaborative by Karen Schumacher The Idaho Rangeland Resources Commission (IRRC) was created by the Idaho legislature in 1994 (Title 58 Chapter 14), comprised of five Governor appointed voting members that includes Royce [Read More]
Black Butte Copper Mine Seeks Permitting In Montana By Tim Ravndal Since the 1972 Montana Constitutional Convention, environmentalism became a priority issue in resource management across Montana. Due to a large number of mining cleanup [Read More]
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