WBCSD Accountability
WBCSD Accountability We all care about the children in our WBCSD community and want the best education for them. Property owners who live here would like to see their tax money for local schools be [Read More]
WBCSD Accountability We all care about the children in our WBCSD community and want the best education for them. Property owners who live here would like to see their tax money for local schools be [Read More]
Indoctrination By Pete Ketcham The following is the definition of the word “Indoctrination”: “The process of repeating an idea or belief to someone until they accept it without criticism or question: “ I might add; [Read More]
Living In Alternate Worlds By Pete Ketcham America is totally divided between the worlds of reality and fantasy. The God-fearing conservatives live in the world of reality, and the godless liberals live in the world [Read More]
Teacher’s Take A Stand! Time To Break Away From The Union By Bob Shillingstad There has been an agenda by the National Education Association and its state affiliates that includes a redefinition of education. They [Read More]
The Unseen Enemy of Children Part II The Teachers Union and the Fight for Education – Part II By Bob Shillingstad The fight for sanity and common sense in our elections is going to start [Read More]
The Unseen Enemy of Children The Teachers Union and the Fight for Education – Part I By Bob Shillingstad Alex Newman has written several books about the effects of the National Education Association and by [Read More]
WBCSD, Another Levy? The subject of another levy came up at last week’s West Bonner school board meeting, February 6th. Prior to this, in the same meeting, the ongoing forensic audit was discussed to include [Read More]
The Roadblock To Stopping The Descent By Pete Ketcham A overriding question of the conservative God-fearing community is…. Is it possible to stop the nation’s accelerating descent into complete depravity and chaos? This is a [Read More]
Forensic Audit of WBCSD If you haven’t been to the WBCSD meetings lately, you’re missing the truth about the Forensic Audit. Phase 1 results show our financials are a mess! There are lots of undocumented [Read More]
History Reimagined By Karen Schumacher In 2021, concern was raised about the Idaho K-12 Civics and U.S. History standards, adopted in 2016. “Lack of specificity is both cause and consequence of a more general lack [Read More]
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