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The Church of Holy Wokeness
Agenda 21/2030

The Church of Holy Wokeness

May 19, 2023 6

The Church of Holy Wokeness by Shari Dovale They may claim to be atheists, but they are misleading. They are believers, but they do not adhere to our Savior or Father in Heaven. They practice Satanism, [Read More]

wisdom hate

From God’s Wisdom To Hell’s Insanity

September 19, 2022 2

From God’s Wisdom To Hell’s Insanity By Pete Ketcham From the wisdom of the past, to the insanity of the present, our nation has traveled a path that many could not have imagined 60 or [Read More]

Ruled By Corruption & Idiocies

Ruled By Corruption & Idiocies

December 5, 2021 0

Ruled By Corruption & Idiocies by Pete Ketcham Based on what we are experiencing in our nation today, it has become clearly evident that the Democrat party is controlled by corrupt individuals that have abandoned [Read More]


Cities Heading For Complete Chaos

November 13, 2021 0

Cities Heading For Complete Chaos by Pete Ketcham It is difficult at this time to project what the future is for the major cities with Democrat mayors and councils. The Democrat controlled cities such as [Read More]

Bonner County

Misappropriation Of Public Property

November 4, 2021 0

Misappropriation Of Public Property Editorial by Sheriff Daryl Wheeler On October 26th, at 9:10 a.m., the Bonner County Commissioners voted unanimously to give away 4 acres of public property. The 4 acres pictured below are [Read More]


Watching America Lose Her Cities

July 19, 2021 0

Watching America Lose Her Cities by Pete Ketcham Through the years there have been many fantasy stories and historic accounts of lost cities, but today we are seeing American cities that are currently in the [Read More]


Vilification and Demonetization of the Police

April 16, 2021 0

Vilification and Demonetization of the Police by Pete Ketcham Law and order in large Democrat controlled cities across the nation is crumbling as the protest rioters (BLM & Antifa) have now determined that the local [Read More]

Democrats, Bordering On Insanity

Democrats, Bordering On Insanity

February 21, 2021 4

Democrats, Bordering On Insanity by Pete Ketcham It is baffling to many conservatives today why the liberals continue to promote illogical laws and policies that have absolutely no basis in reality. In many cases these [Read More]

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