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Can The Nation Survive The Democrat Party?

May 21, 2023 4

Can The Nation Survive The Democrat Party? By Pete Ketcham This nation began as a constitutional republic with a belief on the guidance and protection of God as set forth in the bible. Through the [Read More]


Are Republicans A Threat To ‘Democracy’?

August 11, 2022 0

Are Republicans A Threat To ‘Democracy’? by Dean Cannon Yes and no. First, it depends on what you mean by ‘Democracy’. Second, it depends on what you mean by ‘Republican’. For Democrats the word democracy [Read More]

Our First Illegitimate President

Our First Illegitimate President

December 27, 2021 1

Our First Illegitimate President by Pete Ketcham For the first time in American history, an individual (Joe Biden) has been installed as president by illegal, criminal, and fraudulent voting activities. Not only is he Illegitimate, [Read More]


Control of the National Media and Education

April 5, 2021 0

Control of the National Media and Education by Pete Ketcham The following statement by Thomas Jefferson was true in it’s day: “Educate and inform the whole mass of the people, they are the only sure [Read More]

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