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Patriot Advertiser of the Year Award Winner!

Patriot Advertiser of the Year Award Winner!

June 5, 2020 1

Patriot Advertiser of the Year Award Winner! by Shari Dovale Liberate America is a family-friendly, fun-filled Freedom Loving event scheduled for June 13th in Couer d’Alene, Idaho, at the Kootenai County Fairgrounds. Doors open in [Read More]

With Freedom Comes Responsibility

With Freedom Comes Responsibility

April 11, 2020 3

“With Freedom Comes Responsibility” Guest Editorial by Bruce R. Booker You’ve heard that saying before. With regard to our current situation in many States, the fear of the Coronavirus COVID-19 had led to the government [Read More]

Festival Gun Ban Lawsuit Amended Complaint sheriff

Sandpoint Festival Gun Ban Lawsuit Amended

January 28, 2020 2

Sandpoint Festival Gun Ban Lawsuit Amended   Bonner County and Bonner County Sheriff Daryl Wheeler today filed an amended complaint in the pending declaratory judgment action asking the court to rule upon the legality of [Read More]

Festival in Sandpoint

Gun Ban at Festival in Sandpoint – Video

August 9, 2019 3

Gun Ban at Festival in Sandpoint Scott Herndon and Jeff Avery contributed to this article. Second Amendment – A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the [Read More]

Bonner County

Sheriff Wheeler Explains Constitutional Carry

April 28, 2016 2

Sheriff Daryl Wheeler Explains Constitutional Carry Sheriff Daryl Wheeler is a proactive sheriff that supports the Constitution. He has put his efforts into guaranteeing the rights of the citizens in Bonner County and the State [Read More]

Butch 2nd

Butch, A Letter To the Governor – Lance Earl

March 30, 2016 0

Butch, A Letter To the Governor – Lance Earl Originally published at C. L. “Butch” Otter Governor March 24, 2016 The Honorable Brad Little President of the Senate Statehouse Mail Boise, ID 83702 Dear [Read More]


Permitless Carry Bill Passes Idaho House

March 18, 2016 2

Permitless Carry Bill Passes Idaho House and Senate After the Idaho Senate passed SB 1389 on Wednesday, the House quickly took up the bill and passed it with a resounding 54-15. The majority of Idaho [Read More]

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