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The Destructive Pursuit Of Trump

The Destructive Pursuit Of Trump

October 14, 2019 1

The Destructive Pursuit Of Trump by Pete Ketcham It has become blatantly evident that the Democrats are not about to let up in their destructive pursuit of Trump if he wins the 2020 presidential election. In [Read More]


The Cancer of Political Corruption

August 27, 2019 1

The Cancer of Political Corruption By Pete Ketcham As this article deals with the topic of corruption in our nation’s government, it would first be appropriate to define the word corruption. “It is a form [Read More]

America from a College Student’s Perspective

America from a College Student’s Perspective

July 23, 2019 0

America from a College Student’s Perspective By Carissa Lonzisero Being shouted down for expressing your views, being afraid to speak for fear of retaliation for not agreeing with the political or social narrative. This is [Read More]


Censorship: Don’t Regulate, Litigate

May 4, 2019 0

Censorship: Don’t Regulate, Litigate by Brent Regan There is much talk about regulating the SVMOTUs (Silicon Valley Masters of the Universe) for their censoring the free speech of conservatives. I am fundamentally opposed to additional [Read More]

Montana Fishing For Taxes
Legislative Updates

Montana Legislature Fishing For Taxes

March 20, 2019 0

Montana Legislature Fishing For Taxes By Tim Ravndal The Montana Legislature is working towards increasing taxes from many different angles.  Funding of Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, along with conservation measures being sought to control [Read More]


Montana March For Life Rally

January 13, 2019 0

Montana March For Life Rally By Tim Ravndal Montana Legislature is now in full swing with nearly 5,000 proposed law changes on the table.  Every two years, the debate between “Pro Life” v. “Pro Choice” [Read More]


Gonzaga Rejected Ben Shapiro Event

December 26, 2018 3

Gonzaga Rejected Ben Shapiro Event. These State Lawmakers Aren’t Happy. Gonzaga University shot down a Ben Shapiro speaking event, saying that the conservative author’s speeches “routinely draw protests that include extremely divisive and hateful speech [Read More]


Wyoming Election Results in 2018

December 21, 2018 6

Wyoming Election Results in 2018 by Alex Barron FINAL_2018_Resolutions I use to believe that Idaho was the most Republican State in the union. I was wrong. Many other states are far more conservative. One State [Read More]


Demonization and Labels by Pete Ketcham

December 3, 2018 2

Demonization and Labels by Pete Ketcham INTRODUCTION In our nation today, the liberal left has successfully created a cultural and political  climate based on a false foundation of victim-hood, demonization ,and labels. The  technique to [Read More]

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