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America Democrats are Becoming Irrelevant

The Movement Destroying America

July 24, 2024 1

The Movement Destroying America By Pete Ketcham Many conservatives believe that our nation is becoming a socialist, communist, Marxist nation, but in reality that is not what is really happening. Our nation is being destroyed [Read More]


Are We Transitioning Into A Socialist/Communist Nation?

September 29, 2023 1

Are We Transitioning Into A Socialist/Communist Nation? By Pete Ketcham Conservative talk show hosts, columnists, TV hosts, politicians, etc. have repeatedly warned us, that our nation is being transformed into a socialist or communist nation. [Read More]


The Real Implications of the Durham Report

May 18, 2023 0

The Real Implications of the Durham Report by John D. Guandolo “Indeed, based on the evidence gathered in the multiple exhaustive and costly federal investigations of these matters, including the instant investigation, neither U.S. law enforcement [Read More]

Woe To Those Who Are Not Prepared
Agenda 21/2030

Woe To Those Who Are Not Prepared

January 23, 2023 1

Woe To Those Who Are Not Prepared by Shari Dovale This country has been taken over by the Deep State. Not recently mind you. This has been years, actually decades in the making. Everything significant [Read More]

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