And So This Is Christmas!
And So This Is Christmas! by Joseph Farah I used to believe the first Christmas really took place on this date. Forget about the fact that they used a different calendar is Israel, I still [Read More]
And So This Is Christmas! by Joseph Farah I used to believe the first Christmas really took place on this date. Forget about the fact that they used a different calendar is Israel, I still [Read More]
The Lost Basis Of Cultural Morality By Pete Ketcham We are all aware of the horrific increase in crime and immorality that has overtaken the nation. We are also aware of the completely illogical policies [Read More]
Knowing The Time We Are Living In By Bob Shillingstad Do you ever go to bed at night and think that the world is nuts? Do you ever wonder why is this happening? The Bible [Read More]
The Obama Curse Wild Bill for America The Family Redoubt [print-me/]
Prepping Projects From The Bible by James Walton A very interesting debate is whether you can be Christian and be a prepper. There are surely aspects of prepping that are Godly. Only recently has our [Read More]
First Amendment Triumphs! Judge Rules Arrest of Outdoor Worshippers Unconstitutional by Keep the Republic Twenty-eight months after the initial arrests, Judge Morrison C. England, Jr. upholds constitutional rights in the landmark ruling of the [Read More]
Intimidated Christians Wild Bill for America The Family Redoubt [print-me/]
Don’t Color Outside Of The Lines by Karen Schumacher According to the Free Dictionary the term “Don’t color outside the lines” means “To think or act in a way that does not conform to set [Read More]
God Is In Their Way by Shari Dovale Another round of Venom for Christians has reared it’s ugly head from the Democrats in D.C. Encouraged by the Hatemonger-in-Chief who made it undeniable that he would [Read More]
Protesting Christian Principles by Practicing Christian Principles by Shari Dovale We have heard quite a lot from the unhinged left as they attempt to trash Christians and their adherence to morals and principles. They call [Read More]
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