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Mutual Assured Destruction – MAD

August 17, 2022 0

MAD (Is It Still Effective?) By Pete Ketcham Many US citizens know what the term “MAD” stands for, but the following is a good description by Wikipedia: “Mutual assured destruction (MAD) is a doctrine of [Read More]

Agenda 21/2030

Climate Change, A Worldwide Fraud

July 30, 2022 5

Climate Change, A Worldwide Fraud By Pete Ketcham Throughout history various nations have adopted mythical unfounded beliefs on which to base their economic and political policies. The bible records the belief in “gods” made of [Read More]

Warning Shot
Agenda 21/2030

The Warning Shot Has Been Fired

June 20, 2022 2

The Warning Shot Has Been Fired by Karen Schumacher The World Economic Forum (WEF) just concluded its annual 2022 meeting in Davos.  Probably the biggest theme being discussed is globalization.  Because this meeting is between [Read More]

Biden Has "Unexplained" $5.2 million
Boyd Evan White

Biden Has “Unexplained” $5.2 million

April 27, 2022 0

Daily Mail: President Biden has “unexplained” $5.2 million By Mike Huckabee Have you wondered what Elon Musk might have to say about social media’s censorship of the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story just [Read More]

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