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Did CommissionMEN Hoodwink the Public?
Bonner County

Did CommissionMEN Hoodwink the Public?

July 25, 2023 2

Did CommissionMEN Hoodwink the Public? by Shari Dovale We previously reported that the motion Luke Omodt presented to the Board of Commissioners (BOCC) on Friday, June 16th was concerning rezoning land at the Sheriff’s complex to [Read More]

Game Over for the Bonner County RV Campground?
Bonner County

Game Over for the Bonner County RV Campground?

June 23, 2023 3

Game Over for the Bonner County RV Campground? by Shari Dovale The Bonner County RV campground project has been pushed and pushed by the two CommissionMEN for months. Regardless of what the voters wanted, regardless of [Read More]

executive Clandestine and Abusive RV Park Meeting luke
Bonner County

Clandestine and Abusive RV Park Meeting

June 3, 2023 1

Clandestine and Abusive RV Park Meeting by Shari Dovale They can say they followed all of the rules, but they have a way of twisting those rules to hide their antics. The notice that was posted [Read More]

Bonner County

CommissionMen Not Hiding Their Disrespect

May 30, 2023 5

CommissionMen Not Hiding Their Disrespect by Shari Dovale The Bonner County Commissioner (BOCC) Meeting of May 30th heated up again, with the 2 CommissionMEN belittling the public and their fellow female commissioner, as usual. And again, [Read More]

More Bullying
Bonner County

More Bullying from the Bonner CommissionMEN

May 17, 2023 2

More Bullying from the Bonner CommissionMEN by Shari Dovale This week’s business meeting with the Bonner County Commissioners (BOCC) highlights the ongoing disrespect that Chairman Steve Bradshaw and his misogynistic BFF Commissioner Luke Omodt have for [Read More]

Bait and Switch
Bonner County

Bonner CommissionMEN Pull Bait and Switch?

May 1, 2023 2

Bonner County CommissionMEN Pull Bait and Switch? by Shari Dovale Yet ANOTHER special meeting was held this week over the Fairgrounds RV campground in Bonner County in which the BOCC back-pedaled their previous votes. To [Read More]

Commissioner is All Hat and No Cattle
Bonner County

Commissioner is All Hat and No Cattle

March 15, 2023 5

Commissioner is All Hat and No Cattle by Shari Dovale There is much happening with the Bonner County Board of Commissioners. Chairman Steve Bradshaw continues to allow arbitrary decisions to rule the meetings. The public [Read More]

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