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Agenda 21/2030

Defying Reality And Common Sense

July 10, 2022 0

Defying Reality And Common Sense By Pete Ketcham Introduction It doesn’t matter how skillfully or passionately a concept is defined and promoted, if it defies reality, it will fail. There are many many illogical issues [Read More]


Invasion By Other Means

April 29, 2022 1

Invasion By Other Means by Pete Ketcham What is happening in Ukraine by the Russian invasion is a horrible scene. It is death and destruction on a major scale that is literally destroying Ukraine as [Read More]


Not Socialism, But Chaos

September 7, 2021 1

Not Socialism, But Chaos by Pete Ketcham There has been tremendous concern over the prospect of the US being turned into a Socialist nation. That concern is based on the socialist policies that emerge from [Read More]

Do You Live In The Red Zone?

Do You Live In The Red Zone?

June 30, 2021 0

The First States That Will Go Down In A Collapse, Do You Live In The Red Zone? by Fergus Mason (Family Redoubt) – Is the USA going to collapse? Nobody can say. There are a [Read More]

Unintended Consequences

Manifesting the Unintended Consequences

February 10, 2020 4

Unintended Consequences by Pete Ketcham As it is with individual lives, so it is with a nation’s life. Decisions and actions have long term significant consequences. In the instance of individuals, their decisions will put [Read More]

California Wants To Force People To Vote

California Wants To Force People To Vote

February 6, 2020 1

California Wants To Force People To Vote by Shari Dovale A liberal legislator from Nancy Pelosi’s San Fransisco Bay area has decided that automatic voter registration is not enough. He wants compulsory voting, with penalties [Read More]

Medical Marijuana and Ballot Initiatives

Medical Marijuana and Ballot Initiatives

December 11, 2019 0

Medical Marijuana and Ballot Initiatives by Karey Hanks As we observe the effects of pot legalization in neighboring states, it should come as no surprise the proposed ballot initiative to legalize medical marijuana is of [Read More]

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