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Video: Cliven Bundy – First Press Conference

January 10, 2018 0

Video: Cliven Bundy – First Press Conference Cliven Bundy at the office of Attorney Bret Whipple January 9, 2018; Contributed by Shari Dovale   Please support our coverage of your rights. Donate here: [print-me/]


Trial-of-the-Century Gets a Jury in Las Vegas

November 2, 2017 13

Trial-of-the-Century Gets a Jury in Las Vegas by Shari Dovale The Trial-of-the-Century is fully underway in Las Vegas, Nevada. Four men face charges related to the Bunkerville Standoff in April 2014. 71-year-old Cliven Bundy, two [Read More]


Bunkerville Standoff: Make This Case Go Away!

September 28, 2017 7

Bunkerville Standoff: Make This Case Go Away! By Shari Dovale The pressure from the elected officials and the public have made a dramatic difference in the Bunkerville Standoff case. Plea deals are being offered for [Read More]