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What The Democrat Party Has Evolved Into

February 18, 2024 0

What The Democrat Party Has Evolved Into By Pete Ketcham Introduction The following comments concerning the Democrat Party are not to disparage any individual within the party that may be honest and ethical, but are [Read More]


Conservative vs Republican Rino

September 14, 2023 2

Conservative vs Republican Conservative Unity Against Establishment Meddling in North Idaho by Dean Cannon Communication is not a conservative strong point, but effective messaging is crucial to winning elections. How do we conservatives overcome our [Read More]

Rebuttal Letter to Frank Vandersloot

Rebuttal Letter to Frank Vandersloot

June 30, 2020 0

Dear Frank, Throughout history there have always been people that claim to be something they are not. Some do it and knew it, and others have no idea and your letter is no exception to [Read More]