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Nepotism Running High in Bonner County?
Bonner County

Nepotism Running High in Bonner County?

October 19, 2024 6

Nepotism Running High in Bonner County? by Shari Dovale The Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) in Bonner County is changing rapidly these days. Or is it? 8/20/24 – Luke Omodt resigned his position after losing the [Read More]

Communist Controlled Bonner County Idaho
Bonner County

From Conservative to Communist in 14 Months

February 22, 2024 1

From Conservative to Communist in 14 Months by Shari Dovale A few years ago, the then-Board of Commissioners (BoCC) with Dan McDonald at the helm, had control of the Human Resources (HR) department. There were many [Read More]

Bonner County

Omodt Needs to Cease and Desist

November 29, 2023 1

Omodt Needs to Cease and Desist by Shari Dovale In discussing the offensive overreach by the two CommissionMEN concerning their decisions to audit Commissioner Williams emails and try to ‘Supervise’ her, we are publishing the [Read More]

executive Clandestine and Abusive RV Park Meeting luke
Bonner County

Clandestine and Abusive RV Park Meeting

June 3, 2023 1

Clandestine and Abusive RV Park Meeting by Shari Dovale They can say they followed all of the rules, but they have a way of twisting those rules to hide their antics. The notice that was posted [Read More]