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Morally, Economically, Politically and Militarily

October 19, 2024 0

Morally, Economically, Politically and Militarily By Pete Ketcham The above title illustrates some of the issues that our nation is rapidly declining in, to the point of self destruction. The following is an illustration of [Read More]


Defying Nature, God And Reality

April 10, 2023 0

Defying Nature, God And Reality (By The Democrats) By Pete Ketcham At one time the term “mass insanity” seemed an extreme description of any group of people, but what is taking place in our nation [Read More]

Christian Vote
Bob Shillingstad

The Christian Vote

November 9, 2022 1

The Christian Vote Analyzing The Turnout and The Issues By Bob Shillingstad This past election was called by many as “the most important election of our lifetime”. We’ve heard that before and maybe it is [Read More]


Eight Issues From Hell (With more coming)

October 27, 2022 1

Eight Issues From Hell (With more coming) By Pete Ketcham There is a combination of eight issues supported, promoted, and financed by the Democrat party that have the potential to destroy this constitutional nation, and [Read More]


June Is Life Month! Thanks To June 24th!

June 29, 2022 0

June Is Life Month! Celebrate June 24th and Life Month By Bob Shillingstad A dozen years ago if you would have made the prediction that Donald Trump would be President in 2016, appoint three Supreme [Read More]

elections Gun Ban is Litmus Test for Sandpoint Mayor Race

Citizenship and Voting, Elections Matter!

May 13, 2022 0

Citizenship and Voting, Elections Matter! By Bob Shillingstad “Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don’t vote.” ~ Daniel Webster, US House Representative and Senator Idaho will vote on May 17th and [Read More]


The Profitable Abortion Industry

May 9, 2022 0

The Profitable Abortion Industry By Pete Ketcham We see the passionate advocates of “Pro choice” (pro abortion) protesting in the streets, SCOTUS homes, SCOTUS court house, churches, and any other place of opportunity. They indicate [Read More]

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