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Right to Life

The Unalienable Right to Life

May 3, 2022 1

The Unalienable Right to Life by John D. Guandolo The unprecedented leak of a draft Supreme Court ruling overriding Roe v Wade gives us a moment to reflect on the unalienable right to life and [Read More]


Beware the Reasonable Republican

March 25, 2022 12

Beware the Reasonable Republican by Shari Dovale  The term “RINO” means “REPUBLICAN In Name Only” and is a common and shameful term used by conservatives that believe someone from their party has fallen short of [Read More]

Pro-Life, Pro-Liberty

Pro-Life, Pro-Liberty

October 18, 2021 0

Pro-Life, Pro-Liberty by Ron Paul Abortion has returned to the headlines thanks to Texas’ “heartbeat law.” As the name suggests, this law outlaws abortions performed after doctors can detect a fetal heartbeat. This is one [Read More]


Time To Resign Joe

September 5, 2021 0

Time To Resign Joe By Mike Huckabee Our “Good Catholic” President Joe Biden announced that he was launching a “whole of government” effort to fight the new Texas law banning abortions of babies after they [Read More]

No King But King Jesus!

No King But King Jesus!

June 7, 2021 0

No King But King Jesus! “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, [Read More]

War on Christianity Comes to Spokane

War on Christianity Comes to Spokane

June 4, 2021 0

War on Christianity Comes to Spokane by Shari Dovale The hatred of the Atheist Left has increased dramatically as they see the Rise of Christianity in the World. In the small region of the American [Read More]

Big Baby!

Big Baby! Pro Life or Pro Fundraiser?

May 6, 2021 0

Big Baby! Pro Life or Pro Fundraiser? By Bob Shillingstad When you see someone driving their vehicle and wearing a mask, your first reaction is one of shock at their stupidity and then anger at [Read More]

I’m Tired of Political Theater

I’m Tired of Political Theater

May 5, 2021 0

I’m Tired of Political Theater by Don Bradway The recent passing of the “Fetal Heartbeat” bill in Idaho is a sad example of the political theater we are forced to watch from all levels of [Read More]

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