Fake It ’Til They Make It
Fake It ’Til They Make It It’s Easter, it’s beautiful outside; seems like a great day to sit on my back porch and write a letter to the editor concerning the ongoing problem in our [Read More]
Fake It ’Til They Make It It’s Easter, it’s beautiful outside; seems like a great day to sit on my back porch and write a letter to the editor concerning the ongoing problem in our [Read More]
Identifying Satan’s 5th Column by Shari Dovale The alarming upsurge of hostility toward Christians in America can no longer be ignored. In a country founded on religious freedom, the multiple attacks on Christianity has become the [Read More]
Satanic Temple Declares Child Sacrifice a RITE by Shari Dovale For whatever reasons they want to claim, The Satanic Temple (TST) began in 2013 to promote Satan worship and child sacrifice. They have succeeded and their [Read More]
A Nation of Snitches: DHS Is Grooming Americans to Report on Each Other By John W. Whitehead Are you among the 41% of Americans who regularly attend church or some other religious service? Do you [Read More]
The Church of Holy Wokeness by Shari Dovale They may claim to be atheists, but they are misleading. They are believers, but they do not adhere to our Savior or Father in Heaven. They practice Satanism, [Read More]
Editors Note: Oregon Senators staged a walkout of the state Capitol on Wednesday over 2 highly contentious bills. HB 2002 allows minors to get an abortion without notifying parents. HB 2005, among many other details, [Read More]
Still Not Fonda Hanoi Jane by Shari Dovale Jane Fonda, the communist-sympathizer daughter of actor Henry Fonda, is back in the news again. She made headlines throughout her youth as the cheerleader for the Communist [Read More]
Stop the Frankenstein Surgeries! Protect Children’s Innocence Act by Shari Dovale Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene announced while on Tucker Carlson Tonight that she will be introducing the ‘Protect Children’s Innocence Act’ to Criminalize Drugging and [Read More]
Idaho GOP: Abortion is Murder by Scott Herndon Last week the Idaho Republican Party approved a change to the platform regarding abortion. The specific change involved the addition of one sentence, “We also support strengthening [Read More]
What Next? The 9th of Av is Just Around The Corner By Bob Shillingstad The news each day keeps getting crazier and harder to digest for me. How about you? Dozens of pro-life centers around [Read More]
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