Don’t Have Blind Faith
Don’t Have Blind Faith By Karen Schumacher If there were ever a time that Americans needed to put on their critical thinking hats, that time is now, more than ever. As much as Biden is [Read More]
Don’t Have Blind Faith By Karen Schumacher If there were ever a time that Americans needed to put on their critical thinking hats, that time is now, more than ever. As much as Biden is [Read More]
360 Degree Surveillance: How Police Use Public-Private Partnerships to Spy on Americans By John W. Whitehead In this age of ubiquitous surveillance, there are no private lives: everything is public. Surveillance cameras mounted on utility poles, [Read More]
The True Silent Majority by Shari Dovale Since the mid term elections have given control of the US House of Representatives to the Republican Party, Lyin Biden and the Socialist-Democrats are scrambling to pass as [Read More]
Get Ready to Be Muzzled: The Coming War on So-Called Hate Speech “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freedom of speech.”—Benjamin Franklin By John W. Whitehead Beware of those [Read More]
To AG Wasden: It’s Time To Join Virginia Even Though We Should Have Led by Bret Roush An open letter to Idaho Attorney General Wasden, As you know, the Attorney General for the Commonwealth [Read More]
A Republic If You Can Keep It by Marilyn Giddings A group of Idaho citizens recently formed a non-partisan association, Idaho Citizens for Good Government, who are focused on maintaining Idaho government as a Representative [Read More]
The Metaverse Is Big Brother in Disguise: Freedom Meted Out by Technological Tyrants By John W. Whitehead Welcome to the Matrix (i.e. the metaverse), where reality is virtual, freedom is only as free as one’s technological [Read More]
“Diversify Our Narrative” MORE Leftist Brainwashing In Schools By Mike Huckabee Just yesterday, I received an urgent letter from a reader –- a former teacher –- warning about the danger of leftist activism in schools. [Read More]
Big Brother Biden Plans To Spy On Your Private Text Messages by Shari Dovale Beijing Biden has enlisted the aid of the DNC, as well as other left-wing allies, to work with cell phone companies [Read More]
“Strike Force” Impersonating Health Officials for Covid Data Gathering by Shari Dovale Training for vaccine “strike force” teams to impersonate Health Department Officials, and gather information on the public for a vaccine database, has [Read More]
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