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House Rankings by Committee In Liberal Idaho

February 3, 2017 2

House Rankings by Committee In Liberal Idaho by Sue Dawson How Can a Republican State like Idaho Pass Such Liberal Laws and Regulations? Because the Speaker of the House, Bedke, controls and manipulates voting outcomes. [Read More]


Speaker Bedke’s Questionable Conduct #BootBedke

January 25, 2017 2

Speaker Bedke’s Questionable Conduct #BootBedke by Sue Dawson A well-developed six-pack is a beautiful thing. –Especially in the Idaho Legislature. This six-pack is stacked, and ready to power their way through a belly bumping session [Read More]


The Lynching of Idaho Representative Heather Scott

January 24, 2017 2

The Lynching of Heather Scott by Sue Dawson Speaker Bedke’s Idaho Legislative Plan: Silence the opposition and move through the House the designated sanctioned bills of the establishment. One public hanging of an elected conservative [Read More]

North Idaho Voter Services Serves Whom?

North Idaho Voter Services Serves Whom?

April 13, 2022 4

North Idaho Voter Services Serves Whom? Editorial by Clark Gadson Both the Bonner County Bee and the Sandpoint Reader printed articles in recent months (2/22/22 and 3/9/22) about North Idaho Voter Services (NIVS), under the [Read More]


Second Amendment Under Attack in Montana

July 30, 2018 5

Second Amendment Under Attack in Montana by Tim Ravndal In 2016 the City of Missoula, Montana adopted an ordinance under section 9-60 of the municipal code that calls the right to keep and bear arms [Read More]

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