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Didn’t We Try That Before?

October 21, 2023 0

Didn’t We Try That Before? by Karen Schumacher As conflicts continue to pop up around the world, the United States has vowed to take sides with the oppressed victims of the aggressors.  Promising “no boots on [Read More]

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The Never Ending Danger – Socialism

February 25, 2022 0

The Never Ending Danger – Socialism by Maureen Paterson Please don’t be deceived! “Democratic Socialism” is just a term to make socialism seem more agreeable. Socialism has never worked, like in Venezuela and Cuba. It [Read More]

Bonners Ferry Special Meeting RE: ARPA Funds
Agenda 21/2030

Bonners Ferry Special Meeting RE: ARPA Funds

January 25, 2022 2

Bonners Ferry Special Meeting RE: ARPA Funds TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES By Donna Capurso, Patriot Journalist The Bonners Ferry City Council is blatantly ignoring the citizens as to the issues involved by using ARPA (the American [Read More]


Not Socialism, But Chaos

September 7, 2021 1

Not Socialism, But Chaos by Pete Ketcham There has been tremendous concern over the prospect of the US being turned into a Socialist nation. That concern is based on the socialist policies that emerge from [Read More]


What is Woke Really About?

July 29, 2021 0

What is Woke Really About? Wokeness is many things. But increasingly it seems a cover for careerism, profiteering—and utter incompetence. By Victor Davis Hanson Most Americans were as indifferent to the unexpected loss of our Olympic [Read More]

Biden Will Not Help the Cuban People

Biden Will Not Help the Cuban People

July 15, 2021 0

Biden Will Not Help the Cuban People Washington cannot admit the source of the Cuban people’s disaffection because it would disappoint too many woke Americans and undermine the “progressive” politics they are required to support. [Read More]

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