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Refugee Propaganda Event with Video

March 8, 2018 17

Refugee Propaganda Event with Video By Shari Dovale From the event advertisement: To celebrate Social Work Month, Phi Alpha Honor Society and Social Work students at Lewis-Clark State College are partnering with World Relief Spokane [Read More]


God Bless the American Redoubt

June 26, 2017 0

God Bless the American Redoubt The spotlight is being focused on the local anti-Trump group. This group has disrupted local townhalls, and attempted to disrupt other public gatherings since January. Their mission is to “resist” [Read More]


Defining The American Redoubt

May 27, 2017 4

Defining The American Redoubt by Shari Dovale The American Redoubt consists of several areas which include Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, the proposed State of Liberty (Eastern Washington) and Eastern Oregon. However, a new label has been [Read More]