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Broadwater County Commissioner Pleads Not Guilty
Broadwater County

Broadwater County Commissioner Pleads Not Guilty

June 6, 2020 0

Broadwater County Commissioner Pleads Not Guilty By Tim Ravndal The quest for accountability of elected officials continue to hold front and center in Broadwater County. Commissioner Laura Obert appeared in Montana First Judicial Court before [Read More]

Broadwater County Commissioner Faces Charges
Broadwater County

Broadwater County Commissioner Faces Charges

May 24, 2020 0

The Chickens Come Home to Roost Broadwater County Commissioner Faces Charges By Tim Ravndal Over a period of multiple years, the citizens of Montana’s Broadwater County have sought accountability from County Commissioner Laura Obert.  In [Read More]

Broadwater County

Insurance Fraud Townhall In Townsend Montana

August 20, 2019 0

Insurance Fraud Townhall In Townsend Montana By Tim Ravndal Two weeks in a row citizens in Broadwater County Montana were impacted by a severe hail storm.  Damage to homes and cars in the area generated [Read More]

Local Government Officials Running For Cover
Broadwater County

Local Government Officials Running For Cover

August 6, 2019 0

Local Government Officials Running For Cover By Tim Ravndal The Constitution of Montana provides for the citizens to have the right to know and participate in proceedings of government.  When an elected official infringes on [Read More]

Broadwater Officials Challenged On Open Meeting Laws
Broadwater County

Broadwater Officials Challenged On Open Meeting Laws

July 23, 2019 0

Broadwater County Officials Challenged On Open Meeting Laws By Tim Ravndal Broadwater County officials have been asked multiple times by local citizens for more transparency and accountability.  Citizens have been seeking transparency but the county [Read More]

Local Government Audit Exposes Problems
Broadwater County

Local Government Audit Exposes Problems

June 13, 2019 0

Local Government Audit Exposes Problems By Tim Ravndal Under Montana law, local governments are required to have audits performed. In this process the books are examined for errors and violations of funding accounting principles. Local [Read More]

Hospital District May Fail To Survive
Broadwater County

Rural Hospital District May Fail To Survive

June 5, 2019 0

Rural Hospital District May Fail To Survive By Tim Ravndal Across America the health care system is facing budgetary shortfalls.  Rural Hospitals are struggling to remain solvent and local hospital districts are hard pressed to [Read More]

Local Government Lacks Transparency And Accountability
Broadwater County

Local Govt Lacks Transparency And Accountability

March 24, 2019 0

Local Govt Lacks Transparency And Accountability By Tim Ravndal For multiple years citizens have been seeking transparency and accountability. Multiple counties across the state of Montana have raised concerns including voter fraud and other actions [Read More]

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