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Tantrums On The Convention Floor

July 18, 2016 2

Tantrums On The Convention Floor By Shari Dovale It began immediately, with calls from the RNC Convention floor for a vote to “Free The Delegates” from their legally-binding votes for Donald Trump. This has been [Read More]


The Full RNC Convention Schedule

July 18, 2016 0

The Full RNC Convention Schedule The following 2016 Republican Convention agenda has been provided by the Republican National Committee and is subject to change. The convention, being held in Cleveland, starts Monday and concludes Thursday: [Read More]


It’s the Supreme Court!

July 18, 2016 1

It’s the Supreme Court! by Lynda Friesen Raise your hand if you recall the phrase, “It’s the economy, stupid!” This pithy, oft-repeated slogan was created by a Bill Clinton campaign strategist. It reflected what was [Read More]


Queen Hillary Gets A Pass

July 5, 2016 1

Queen Hillary Gets A Pass By Shari Dovale Because the American Royalty are treated special, FBI Director James B. Comey announced today, that though “there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the [Read More]


School District Summer Levy Surpise

June 30, 2016 0

School District Summer Levy Surpise by Kathy Rose   While most people will be vacationing and otherwise enjoying the summer, tax payers in the Lake Pend Oreille School District will have an unanticipated election on [Read More]


The Democrat Scam on Campaign Finance Reform

June 19, 2016 1

The Democrat Scam on Campaign Finance Reform By David Ripley   Democrat Holli Woodings is heading up an effort called “Keep Idaho Elections Accountable”. This very large political action committee has been collecting signatures to [Read More]

Boundary County

Boundary County Getting a Recount

May 20, 2016 0

Boundary County Getting a Recount Calls went out over the police scanner the night of May 19th, for the ballots in Boundary County, Idaho to be seized. Deputies were dispatched to the courthouse in Bonners [Read More]


Grasty Recall is Validated

May 20, 2016 5

Grasty Recall is Validated Harney County, Oregon petitioners have validated their recall petition against Judge Steve Grasty. Grasty has until 5 p.m. Tuesday to resign or submit a “statement of justification” that would be printed on [Read More]

No Picture

Idaho Primaries Show Citizen Engagement

May 19, 2016 1

Idaho Primaries Show Citizen Engagement The Idaho Primary elections are complete. Redoubt News is proud of all candidates that took part in the process. We thank everyone for their endeavors, and remind all that it [Read More]

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