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A Shot Across Sen. Lindsey Graham’s Bow

July 24, 2018 0

8th Town Down- A Shot Across Sen. Lindsey Graham’s Bow: Another county votes to block NDAA detention provisions by Jason Casella Laurens County, SC – PANDA and our truly non-partisan coalition in South Carolina are pleased to [Read More]


Strongest Anti-NDAA Bill in America

February 21, 2018 0

Idaho Passes Strongest Anti-NDAA Bill in America Out of Committee 11-2 by Jason Casella Feb 21, 2018 Thanks to the work of the Panda Idaho, an Idaho house committee passed the Restoring Constitutional Governance Act, H473, by a vote of 11-2 [Read More]


Indefinite Detention Challenged In Idaho

February 1, 2018 2

Indefinite Detention Is Being Challenged In Idaho Right Now by Jason Casella The indefinite detention of U.S. citizens without due process is fundamentally un-Constitutional, un-American, and un-Idahoan. Without the right to a trial, we have [Read More]