When It All Began
By Pete Ketcham
There are many events in our nation’s history that are significant, and have a lasting effect on how our nation progresses. One is the civil war and the end of slavery, others are the Great Depression, winning WW1, winning WW2, etc. . But there is one event far less prominent than other events, but has had a tremendous impact on our nation, and that event is the elimination of public school prayer by repeated Supreme Court decisions beginning in 1962.
Although many people see the school prayer issue as “not that big a deal”, but in reality it was a “Beacon of Light” throughout the nation’s education system, acknowledging that there was a God, and asking for His protection and guidance of the nation.
But now that “light” has been extinguished, and has been replaced by the demonic degenerate philosophy of the LGBTQ community, with the full approval of teachers, school administrators, and many school boards.
Not only has the school system been impacted by the Supreme Court’s decisions, but also public meetings of school boards, county commissions, state board meetings, etc. that use to begin with a prayer have been prohibited from prayer.
Year after year since 1962 we as nation have demonstrated to our students that our national government has no official recognition of God, the bible, or the christian moral code of conduct. Our students graduated and went on to significant careers as lawyers, judges, legislators, teachers, professors, corporate CEO’s etc. with an absolute belief that our nation has no connection to God.
And now we are living with the results of abandoning God in our school system as crime and a gross immoral lifestyle dominates our culture, with the leadership of the nation becoming corrupt.
It would seem that “In God We Trust” engraved on our coins no longer has any significance.
Note: The following is a Wikipedia link to a complete history of the Supreme Court’s action concerning school prayer.
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