What Would the Founders Do?
By Rick Gray
After asking myself over a year ago this question, What would our Founders do to fix the mess our nation is faced with today?, I began researching our Founders, our founding documents, the history of our government, and the Law that existed during their generation. This informational article is a result of that research. Links to the key sources of this information are included at the end.
When I talk about our rights and common law, I often get asked if I am a sovereign citizen? I would like to make my position on this question crystal clear. The sovereign citizen movement is a hoax in my opinion.
The information below is readily available, historical and verifiable. It is the true “Law of the Land” in America that our founders intended the people to use in defending our Rights as written in the 50 State and one federal Constitutions.
Birth of the peoples power over government
The truth about Sovereignty and the people of America is a unique one in the world. In every other nation, the kings, or what ever name they go by, are sovereign rulers with all political power. In America, it is flipped and the people jointly are the sovereign and hold the position of the king. This is witnessed by the words of the first chief justice of the Supreme Court of America (SCOTUS), John Jay who wrote the following:
“The people are Sovereign. … at the Revolution, the sovereignty devolved on the people; and they are truly the sovereigns of the country, but they are sovereigns without subjects… with none to govern but themselves; the citizens of America are equal as fellow citizens, and as joint tenants in the sovereignty.” (see link)
What’s your status?
The topic of legal status goes back to biblical times. In general terms your Status dictates your rights and duties as seen by both the statutory and Common Law. For example a person who has a mental handicap is afforded fewer rights and duties. We have many other legal statuses like Indentured, Wives, Children and Felons, all of which have different rights and duties. There are two very important legal classes of status that everyone should know about and that is public and private. Your status can change and will need to be declared when asserting you Rights as “one of the people”. This is the status that the (SCOTUS) commonly uses in their Opinions. “One of the People” is our highest estate of liberty. GOD created the people and the people created Government.
Be responsible and respectful like Jesus is.
Always remember when dealing with Government that as our creation, We are responsible for it.
“The People” is a private status. This is the status we use to stand on and defend our rights when involved with any legal controversy. Notice that the people are protected by a wall from our creation.
“PMA’s” have a private status. This includes the lawyers BAR associations. Clerks, Judges, Governors and pretty much every elected officer in government. They all have their own PMA! PMA’s are formerly recognized by government and commonly called Private Membership Associations or PMS,s. Notice our creation is hiding behind our wall with us. Government has no jurisdiction over PMA’s because they are PRIVATE. That’s worth a million dollars worth of protection against today’s Bad government actors!
“Citizen” is a public status. This is your default status. There is a lot of conflicting information about this legal status. While the SCOTUS has used this label when reaffirming the peoples rights. It is clear that any interaction with government they will presume that your status is. Here’s what the Blacks 4th editions has to say. “In American Law; One who, under the constitution and laws of the United States, or of a particular state, is a member of the political community, owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights.” Notice you will be treated as a creation of government without the protection of the wall.
What is a maxim?
Maxim “An established principle or proposition. A principle of law universally admitted, as being a correct statement of the law, or as agreeable to natural reason. Coke defines a maxim to be “conclusion of reason,” and says that it is so called. He says in another place: “A maxim is a proposition to be of all men confessed and granted without proof, argument, or discourse.”
From page 5 and 6 of the maxims “A brief examination of the earlier case reports of England and America will readily show the importance which was attached to the acknowledged Maxims of Law. Maxims were continually relied upon to settle matters dealing with wills, inheritance, land, economics, crime, marriage, property, contracts, rights, and virtually every aspect of law and jurisprudence that would arise.”
“If one fails to understand the fundamental principles of law, then there is no end to which he can be misled or deceived about what is right and what is wrong. Such a person could easily become subject to government encroachments, or be maneuvered into surrendering his rights. This is so because law governs all events and things that concern our lives. “
Here’s just a couple of examples of the wisdom of our forefathers that we all should know.
11i. “Where there is no authority for establishing a rule, there is no necessity of obeying it. Black’s, 2d. 1181; Day. Ir. KB. 69. Useless power is to no purpose. Branch, Princ.”
62p. “An unconstitutional Act is not a law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is, in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed. Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425, 442.” (see links)
Governments can not change the peoples right to Common law “Due Process of Law” and what it means, but they claim they can and have since the Great Depression. Three definitions from Blacks Law Dictionary 4th ed (1968) are needed to understand why I make this statement. (bold and underline for emphasis). (see Link)
- Common Law; pg 345,346 paragraphs 2&5; “As distinguished from law created by the enactment of legislatures, the common law comprises the body of those principles and rules of action, relating to the government and security of persons and property, which derive their authority solely from usages and customs of immemorial antiquity”.
As concerns its force and authority in the United States, the phrase designates that portion of the common law of England (including such acts of parliament as were applicable) which had been adopted and was in force here at the time of the Revolution. - Due Process of law; pg 590 paragraph 1; “Due process of law in each particular case means such an exercise of the powers of the government as the settled maxims of law permit and sanction, and under such safeguards for the protection of individual rights as those maxims prescribe for the class of cases to which the one in question belongs.”
- Court; pg 426 paragraph 2; “A “court of record” is a judicial tribunal having attributes and exercising functions independently of the person of the magistrate designated generally to hold it, and proceeding according to the course of common law, its acts and proceedings being enrolled for a perpetual memorial.“ Their are other features of this common law court like jury judging not just the case facts but also the law itself and the judge does not instruct the jury along with no fees to access one.
The red pill will set you free of the matrix
Having learned a few important legal definitions and witnessing our modern justice system wield such arbitrary power that looks nothing like what I learned so far in the maxims and legal definitions, I set out find out How our modern day legal system was changed and When?
Our modern day civil legal system is the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and they were simply declared in 1838 by the federal judiciary’s internal policy-making body! Sounds a lot like Chevron nonsense for judiciary to me. The branch of government, who’s job it is to be a check on the other two branches for the very purpose of protecting our rights, changed the ways of our legal system to exclude the Common law, the Maxims, Constitutional Due Process, manner of Rules of actions protections AND direct access to county Grand juries that were historically used to indict bad government actors for crimes like Maladministration, Breach of Trust and Deprivation of Rights against the people. All of which existed for 150 years! So how on earth did that happen? Well the legislature had a hand it twice before 1838. First by the U.S congress passing the Federal Equity Rules and the Conformity Act in 1934 and second by not objecting to the rules within a 7 day objection period. The 7 day objection period was I suspect used to sell 1834 Act as a protection the house members never acted on. (see link)
Here is what Wikipedia has to say in summary. (see link)
“The Rules, established in 1938, replaced the earlier procedures under the Federal Equity Rules and the Conformity Act (28 USC 724 (1934)) The Conformity Act required that procedures in suits at law conform to state practice, usually the Field Code or a pleading system based on common law.” The Field Code supported the common law system.
“Most states model their general jurisdiction trial court rules closely upon the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure” (see link)
You are free of the matrix now and this is you new reality
During the Great Depression (1929-1939), Franklin D. Roosevelt signed into Law an unconstitutional Act of Congress called The Rules Enabling Act of 1934. Then 4 years later a bunch of lawyers at the federal judiciary’s internal policy-making body just declared our Constitutional legal tools to be replaced by something better (for our creation). Meanwhile the people are in survival mode with no food and the peoples reps are up having a martini. The warning on page 6 of the Maxims Has been the hidden reality since before we were born. “Such a person could easily become subject to government encroachments, or be maneuvered into surrendering his rights” Charles Wiesman’s 1990 warning came to late
Finely time for the good news
I have learned that every power we need, and most of what the founders used to create this great Nation still exists today. You can witness it in the SCOTUS rulings declared over the course of our Nations history and most notably this last year. The moment it gets out that the people assembled, know the common law and that our constitutions guarantee us common law “Due process”, I expect that they will respond by flooding them with both Judicial Notices an sworn affidavits for deprivation of rights, maladministration and Breach of Trust. Things will change Very fast.
Government bad actors and most every lawyer trained in our modern day Bar sanctioned law schools have flipped our Form of Government on it’s head. There are precious few acceptations to this undeniable observation when one understands the true form of law and government our founders intended for their posterity. There are many criminal actors who believe that the creator is their creation or that our servants are our masters judging by their actions. They also believe that Constitutional “Due Process” is the civil or criminal Rules of Procedure. My hope is that I have shown you that it is not. As a result of lifetime of fake law, fake judges, fake courts of record and fake due process of law “the people” have been fooled into believing that the perverted legal system we have today, is “the law of the land”. They have done this thru ms-information since they passed the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure in 1838 when they began depriving the people of true Constitutional “Due process of Law”. States have their own versions of this Unconstitutional enactment and began the same nonsense at the state level some time afterwords.
Idaho; Article V, Section 13: Power of Legislature Respecting Court
The legislature shall have no power to deprive the judicial department of any power or jurisdiction which rightly pertains to it as a coordinate department of the government; but the legislature shall provide a proper system of appeals, and regulate by law, when necessary, the methods of proceeding in the exercise of their powers of all the courts below the Supreme Court, so far as the same may be done without conflict with this Constitution, provided, however, that the legislature can provide mandatory minimum sentences for any crimes, and any sentence imposed shall be not less than the mandatory minimum sentence so provided. Any mandatory minimum sentence so imposed shall not be reduced.
I want to say that I harbor no ill will to the people who have become lawyers with good intent, or the good intentioned servants in government. Many are victims and have been the unknowingly tools of criminals and a lifetime of pure falsehoods, just like the rest of us and our kids today in our public school systems. When I say lawyer or government, I am speaking of the position, not the person. I pray for them all to repent and accept Gods grace quickly. I pray that the people ask themselves what would Jesus do and act according. As for the bad actors, your fate lies in the hands of our maker and THE PEOPLE who have unlawfully had their lives, liberty, freedom, kids houses, cars and on and on taken from them.
LUKE 11:52 says it all.
I thank GOD for showing me his wisdom in the law and the Bible. The glory is his alone and I am grateful for his using me as he sees fit. I have been blessed by his leading me to two powerful teachers and their rock star students on X @RealDaveCares4u & @JarrinJackson
I can be reached on X @GolfPapa55
or on telegram @Golf_Papa_55
John Jay quote
Free PDF copy of the maxims of law here: Lawyers don’t know about these.
Free PDF of Blacks law dictionary 4th edition. Most Lawyers have a modern edition of this on a shelf with changed definitions
*Warning* Wikipedia is a propaganda site. I use it only for quick access to dates, historical leads and summaries of legislation.
Wikipedia – Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.
Wikipedia – Most states model their general jurisdiction trial court rules closely upon The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Idaho does.
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