The Division Widens
By Pete Ketcham
Our nation has become completely divided socially, morally, and politically. At this time it does not appear there is any action that could reunite the nation.
The primary issue that creates this divide, is that one side (we call the right side, Republicans) believes in God, the moral code of the bible, and the wisdom of God for guidance of the nation. The other side (we call the left side, Democrats) has no belief in God or the bible, has adopted a complete unlimited depraved moral code, and believe they alone have the “wisdom” to rule the nation.
Despite this impasse, it would appear the nation may be moving to the political right as the Trump administration moves into the White House, yet the social/moral elements of the nation continues an accelerating downward plunge.
It now seems evident to many God-fearing individuals that there is no solution to this widening division without direct intervention and help from God, and perhaps that help is already manifesting itself in the miracles that have been protecting Trump as he assumes the presidency.
Despite this national trend to the right, It is uncertain what the next four years under a Trump administration will bring, but it seems certain that despite what desired political changes the Trump administration may bring, the social moral aspect of the nation will continue it’s decline, creating a widening of the division between the god-fearing citizens, and the godless citizens.
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