Sanctuary States And Cities
(An Invitation)
By Pete Ketcham
It is difficult to accurately predict what the procedure and outcome will be concerning the massive deportation program of the Trump administration, but one thing seems to be emerging that could determine where the illegal aliens end up at.
Quite a number of Democrat Blue state attorney generals, Blue city mayors and counsels have “proudly and boldly” (and quite stupidly) announced how they are going to fight against the Trump efforts to deport any illegal alien, and will do all in their power to see that no illegal alien in their city or state is deported.
What they have done by these public announcements of fighting the Trump deportation program, is issue an invitation to all the illegal immigrants including the gangs and criminals to move out of the Red states and cities to a “safe refuge” where they will be “safe” from deportation.
An example of how far some of these Democrat mayors may go in this “resistant effort”, is the moronic mayor of Denver who already has a illegal alien problem, has threatened to send the city police to the county line to resist the ICE deportation contingent.
At the present there doesn’t seem to be any public concern by these Blue cities and states about the potential illegal alien influx, but there could be a forthcoming awaking of the citizens (who have consistently voted for these Democrat mayors governors and attorney generals) when the illegal alien surge hits.
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