Climate Change Fraud
By Pete Ketcham
The controversy and differing opinions concerning climate change is a growing issue that continues to divide the nation. This division exists primarily between Democrats who believe in climate change, and Republicans who do not.
It has almost become a dedicated religious belief by individuals who believe that the atmosphere will be destroyed if we continue to drive gas powered autos, produce electricity by fossil fuel, have natural gas appliances in our homes etc., and believe that it is their duty to “save the planet”. Yet they have no problem with large aircraft jet engines burning massive amounts of jet fuel as they fly between cities and countries in their mission to “save the planet”.
As in most issues such as these it goes back to the old adage “Follow The Money”.
There are thousands of manufacturing companies, consultants, politicians (John Kerry, Al Gore) and other entities that totally depend on the climate change issue for their existence, and will do all in their power to see that this issue continues. Trillions of dollars are involved world wide in the manufacturing and installation of wind mills, solar panels, electric automobiles (EV’s), and other components. This combined group of individuals and corporations who dependent on the climate change issue for their existence have exerted tremendous political influence concerning climate change legislation that has kept the money flowing to them.
But now it seems that the majority of the American people who “live in the real world” and depend on fossil fuel to provide reliable transportation for all the products they buy, provide gas for their cars, and provides the electricity for their homes and businesses, realize that the climate change agenda is not based on fact and reality.
With the Trump administration taking political control, it is anticipated and hoped that the climate change fraud will be dealt with in a positive manner to bring the nation back to a realistic basis of energy production and use.
The following is a link to a group of 500 prominent scientists and professionals who have stated their opinion to the United Nations concerning the climate change fraud.
[print-me/]There Is No Climate Emergency, Say 500 Experts in Letter to the United Nations
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