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Gratefully Wrong

Trump and his associates have the tremendous task of correcting the devastating four year result of the of the Biden policies


Gratefully Wrong

By Pete Ketcham

Numerous published comments predicting violent reaction from the losing side of the very close presidential election were wrong, including my projections, for which I am grateful for.

This large Trump victory was so unexpected it would seem the miraculous hand of God once again interceded in Trump’s behalf as He did in the two assassination attempts. Many are grateful to God for the large margin of victory for Trump that precluded a bitter contested election result. Both Harris and Biden have indicated in their concession statements that they will cooperate in a peaceful transfer of power.

But looking ahead to the inauguration and on into the Trump presidency, the Democrat hate is still there, and may develop into protests and possible riots. And even though the Democrats profess they will be cooperative in the transfer of power, they will (as usual) attempt to thwart his forthcoming presidential agenda at every opportunity.


It would seem that Trump may still be able to be a uniting force among the general public, despite the Democrat elites and celebrities insane hatred of Trump.

And lastly, Trump and his associates have the tremendous task of correcting the devastating four year result of the of the Biden policies, but from past incidents it seems God is with Trump, and will help him be successful in moving the nation back to it’s moral constitutional roots.
