The Nation’s Culture
(Can It Survive?)
By Pete Ketcham
The United States in the past has been made up of diverse groups of people with varying beliefs and customs, but who were able to come together as a united people during national emergencies such as world wars 1 & 2, and the “Great Depression.”
Today that is no longer the case due to the degenerate change in the moral character of the nation and the proliferation of divisive issues. The following is a partial list of the various cultures that exist in our nation today, with little to no chance of them “coming together” in the event of a national emergency.
- Crime Culture – In the larger Democrat controlled cities such as San Francisco, New York, Chicago, and others, the smash & grab robberies have increased to the point many business’s are shutting down. Murders, car jackings, rapes, assaults have increased to a point that the general public is no longer safe to walk the streets. The police force has been downed sized, and the district attorneys no longer prosecute or incarcerate repeat criminals.
- Entertainment Culture – The movies, television shows, concerts, and other entertainment events have now become so morally toxic, that anyone with a Christian concept of morality is unable to watch them.
- Religious Culture – There is a declining Christian community that comprises approximately 65% of the national population, down from 75% a decade ago. It appears from surveys that this decline will continue.
- Illegal Migrant Culture – This is a group of millions of individuals (mostly military age men) that have no source of income, do not speak english, and depend on the US taxpayer for their food, housing, medical care, and education for their children. When the taxpayer funds are finally exhausted, they will resort to crime to survive.
- Political Culture – At one time a Democrat politician running for office would honestly inform the potential voters what they actually believed in, and would follow through on that belief once they attained office. Today Democrat politicians run their campaigns based on a deception of their true intent, (Kamala Harris being a prime example of this), and do the apposite once they gain office
- LGBTQ Culture – This insane perverted culture was not even conceivable thirty years ago, but has now become acceptable and is promoted throughout the nation, including the education system and the military.
One could go on citing numerous other cultures that have developed in our nation that are completely incompatible with each other, and are attempting to drive our nation in many different directions. This national divisiveness will be greatly amplified when the final results of the upcoming presidential election are revealed, as the situation today indicates the losing side will not accept the election results.
As is stated in scripture “ A house Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand”, and our nation is now that house.
Thus only God can bring us back together again as a Christian based constitutional republic.