The Greatest Threat
By Pete Ketcham
This nation is now facing so many issues that are destroying it’s lawful framework it is difficult to name them all, but there is one issue/threat that is manifesting the potential to literally overwhelm the entire governing systems of the individual cities, states, and even the federal government.
That issue is the Democrat enacted invasion and occupation by the world of our nation. There are millions and millions of individuals invading our nation that have no jobs, no possessions, do not speak english, have no skill set, and are totally dependent on the taxpayers of the nation to provide them free housing, free food, free health care, free transportation, free public education, free police protection, and other benefits. In addition to all that, embedded within these millions are trans-national criminal gang members and Mexico cartel gang members who are engaging in human trafficking, illegal drug distribution, robberies, and are rapidly increasing their membership by recruiting within the illegal migrant population.
The schools, hospitals, hotels, police departments are already overwhelmed in the various cities and towns that are now experiencing the impact of this invasion. The mayors and council members of these cities have demonstrated they are unable to deal effectively with this issue now, and will be less effective in the future.
The illegal crime and chaos that is now happening because of this invasion in various cities and towns such as New York, Chicago, Denver/Aurora, San Diego and other cities is just the “TIP OF THE ICEBERG”. It will get significantly worse when the taxpayer funds run out and the crime and gang activity increases.
Donald Trump (if he wins) has stated he will deal with this invasion by enacting a massive deportation program which will deport millions of individuals, but that is a promise that will be impossible to keep due to the tremendous logistics and opposition he will be facing. The Democrats, Federal agencies, and the news media will oppose him by every means available. The illegal immigrants will organize tremendous resistance, and will not peaceable board deportation buses and airplanes. In this effort Trump may attempt to nationalize the US military to arbitrarily apprehend suspected illegal immigrants, but he will face tremendous Democrat political opposition in addition to resistance from the military itself. Trump can no doubt close the border and build the wall, but the deportation issue seems impossible.
IT SHOULD BE NOTED that this invasion threat has intentionally been created by the Democrats to import a voter base that they believe will keep them in power indefinitely, but in reality they are turning this nation into a “third world country” governed by chaos and crime.
It is puzzling that the forthcoming national impact of this invasion does not seem to be a concern of many federal, state, and county officials. It seems obvious there will be a increase in crime and chaos, (especially if Harris is elected president) as the invasion impact of millions and millions of illegal immigrants spreads throughout the nation, yet there is no acknowledgement nor preparation by many of these officials of this coming catastrophe.
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