Totally Divided
By Pete Ketcham
For approximately 200 years this nation had been governed by opposing political parties and political entities, yet despite significant policy disagreements they were able to cooperatively govern the nation, but that ended in 1993 when Bill Clinton became president. At that point this nation came under the control of a complete corrupt immoral individual that set the nation in a godless cultural downward spiral.
This downward spiral continued when Barack Obama became president in 2008. He amplified the Clinton corruption and moved the nation farther from God’s guidance and the constitution.
After a contentious four year presidential term by Donald Trump attempting to return the nation back to the constitution and God, Joe Biden became president in 2020, and carried on the incompetence and corruption of the Obama presidency, which has now put this constitutional nation on the brink of turning into a chaotic convoluted third world nation.
These three individuals, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden by their actions, have now divided this nation into two groups of people that are irreconcilable opposed to each other on all significant national issues, and are in a desperate political fight for control of this nation.
The two groups of citizens that create this national divide are described as follows;
- Godless/liberal/leftist Democrats. (D)
- God-fearing/conservative/rightist Republicans. (R)
The following are some of the opposing beliefs that creates this national divide;
- The degenerate LGBTQ/transgenderism agenda (D) VS the traditional Christian biblical moral code of conduct.(R)
- Climate change movement (D) VS the production of vital fossil fuels and the general prosperity of the nation.(R)
- Teachers union’s illogical degenerate indoctrination of the nation’s youth (D) VS conservative parents who want a logical value based education for their children. (R)
- Open borders advocates that welcome the world (including terrorist and criminals) to invade our nation (D) VS rational citizens that want a secure sovereign nation and closed borders.(R)
There are numerous other divisive issues that could be cited in addition to the preceding four, but it is evident that the Godless/liberal/leftist Democrats (D) agenda is based on fantasy, illogic, and is totally morally corrupt. While the God-fearing/conservative/rightist Republicans (R) agenda is based on reality, facts , logic, and the traditional Christian basis of morality.
Regardless of who politically controls the nation, there is no common ground between the two previously described groups, and they are drifting farther apart on a daily basis.
Only God can reunite this nation.
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