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The Deceptive Campaign

It seems pretty certain that Harris will continue with her successful deception strategy


The Deceptive Campaign

By Pete Ketcham

Most conservative Republican political candidates strive to make sure that their potential voters know where they truly stand on the issues. Liberal Democrat political candidates for the most part make sure their potential voters do not know where they actually stand on the issues.

Republicans well know Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign is the most deceptive the voters have ever been exposed to, but what is devastating, is that recent polls have revealed most Democrat and Independent voters do not realize how deceptive Harris’s messages are as she hides her radical far left philosophy.

Up to this point the Harris campaign has been successful in creating a new “image” of a smiling Kamala Harris who purports to have solutions to all the current national problems. This is one reason she is holding no press conferences, as that “image” could be damaged by to many probing questions.

The Harris campaign knows that eventually she will have to hold a press conference and also engage in a debate with Trump, and that is why they are presently setting up the most advantageous time, place, and format for her to participate in these press conferences and debate.

Another significant advantage Harris has in her deception presidential campaign, is the support of the liberal Mainstream News Media in helping create her new “image”.


It seems pretty certain that Harris will continue with her successful deception strategy right up to the time voting begins, and thus she should not be underestimated in her ability to deceive voters, and win the election. And if she does win, this nation is in for four years of chaos and crime never seen before.
