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It’s Not A Conspiracy, Never Has Been

America has been financially drained for decades to implement these agendas


It’s Not A Conspiracy, Never Has Been

By Karen Schumacher

For years, those who have researched Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 have tried to warn everyone about the dangers it poses.  At least now it is being fully exposed as the truth.  America has been financially drained for decades to implement these agendas, and will continue to be raped for attaining the goals listed in this White House Fact Sheet.  It hasn’t just been implemented across the world, it has also been implemented in America, “The United States is committed to the full implementation of 2030 Agenda and the SDGs, at home and abroad.”  And Americans have, and will continue to be paying for both.

As the statement says, “full implementation”, the complete fruition of these agendas is almost complete with the entire corporate backing of the World Economic Forum.  Most likely the loss of America will be by 2030, if not earlier.  The Constitution will no longer exist, instead being ruled by Global Governance.

White House Fact Sheet:
