A Divided Nation
(Good VS Evil)
By Pete Ketcham
We as a nation are now more “politically” divided than we were just prior to the 1861 civil war. Today the God-fearing conservative Christians represented primarily by the Republican Party, have very little in common with the Godless liberals represented by the Democrat Party
The corrupt Democrat Party has departed as far from the principles and intent of the constitution as the Confederate States of America did at the start of the civil war. The primary difference today is that there is no brutal war being fought…yet.
The Democrat Party since the 1960’s has been progressively moving the nation away from the guidance and protection of God, leaving behind the wisdom, logic, and common sense that had previously been utilized to guide the nation.
Today the policies and laws enacted by the Democrat Party lack any logic, wisdom, or moral value.
- They have replaced the underlying christian principles that guided this nation for many years with the perverted agenda of the LGBTQ+.
- They have distorted and twisted the justice system into a weapon of destruction against their political opponents.
- They have destroyed any concept of a fair and honest election system, and as they have done in the past, will steal any future election if possible.
- They have instigated an invasion of this nation by millions of unvetted immigrants from around the world in order to create an illegitimate voting base to keep themselves in power.
- They have converted the national education system into a Godless liberal indoctrination system.
There are many more examples of the corruption and treachery of the Democrat Party that could be listed, but the previous examples illustrate that there is no foreseeable political solution to bring this nation back to it’s original Christian constitutional roots.
Even though Trump may win the coming presidential election, the Democrat corruption will continue on unless there is major catastrophic event that causes a reset of the entire national culture, and reunites the nation.
Your entire premise is wrong. This isn’t about Republicans vs Democrats. This is about religion vs reality. This is about putting an end to Christian and all religious fallacies that this country belongs to any one particular religion. We are not and never have been a “Christian nation”. Religion is everything that is wrong with the world and society has made their position clear. Left right and center, we don’t need any division and we don’t have room for religious tyrants. You and your backwards stupid beliefs are done in this country. Cry cry cry, cause you can’t and won’t do anything about it but cry cry cry!
No they have not made their position clear, and you still avoid the point that you point at the clock and are denying the clockmaker
Yes, the Marxist Democrats are godless and evil.
Yet, one shouldn’t ignore the corruption in the
Republican Party. One shouldn’t ignore that both
of Idaho’s U.S. congressmen voted, yea, (H R 6090) to ban
Sacred Scripture as criminal hate speech. Does Idaho’s
U.S. congressmen believe the Son of God is a hate
speech criminal? Odd that Jesus is named in
that anti-Christ legislation, but Mohammed
and Islam are not.
Also,the Democrats are trying to bring in as many non European migrants as possible. This is the “Great Replacement”, and it will destroy this nation. The White population will be a minority soon. Joe Biden said” This is not necessarily a bad thing”. The left wants us gone.