Past, Present & Future
By Pete Ketcham
Most conservatives are well aware of our nation’s past, and of course the present, but the future is uncertain for most. Perhaps a brief review of the past and present could help one to determine what the future may bring, and thus the following comments;
The Past
Our nation started out as a constitutional nation with a code of morality based on the bible. It has endured the original Revolutionary War, the Civil War, WW1, The Great Depression, WW2, and the Korean War. Through all these major wars and hardships the nation never lost it’s Biblical based code of conduct. But all that changed in the 1960’s with the “Baby Boomer” generation who rejected God, christian beliefs, and started our nation on a godless downward path.
Today that downward path has now resulted in a nation guided by the gross immoral principles of the LGBTQ community, illogical environmental policies, illogical DEI & woke policies, self inflicted illegal boarder invasion, and a dysfunctional school system.
The Future
There are several possible paths that the nation may travel into the future, all of which lead to catastrophic consequences.
- The enemies of this nation (China, Russia, N Korea, & Iran) who wish to destroy us are well aware of how dysfunctional we are becoming because of the Democrat Party policies. They are waiting for the opportune moment when we are most venerable to make any aggressive move. It is very evident that we have given them a significant opportunity by our open boarder policy to infiltrate thousands of terrorists into the nation. The significant increase of illegal Chinese immigrants seems to bear out the speculation of a terrorist infiltration composed of trained PLA solders, who once in the US will regroup into operational terrorist cells.
- The nation could continue on it’s present illogical, immoral downward path till it reaches a point of complete chaos and collapse, at which time our enemies may decide to take hostile action to conquer us.
- God may decide to save our nation using a catastrophic event that wakes up the citizens in time to return to logic, common sense, and His guidance.
Even though one can speculate what the nation’s future will be, there are two certainties that will happen in the near future based on present happenings, and they are as follows;
- Based on the intense hate of Trump by the godless liberal democrats, and the gross corruption, incompetence, and “election rigging” of the Biden administration, the forthcoming 2024 presidential results will not be accepted by the losing party. Major chaos and dysfunction of the federal government could result from this.
- When the taxpayer funds that provide shelter, food, medical care, transportation, police protection, and other services to the million of invaders (Illegal immigrants) are exhausted, there will be a crime wave in this nation never seen before as these invaders rob, steal, and kill in order to survive. This is already beginning to happen in the major sanctuary cities such as New York, Chicago, and Denver.