What is Luke Omodt Hiding?
by Shari Dovale
The Bonner County Fair is continuing to be a thorn in the Bonner County Commissioner’s proverbial side.
It is well know that (alleged) fraud was reported many, many moons ago. An investigation was begun, yet with the tragic death of Fair Manager Darcy Smith, the investigation seems to have stalled.
Why is that?
It is pretty easy to leave it where it lays and never get all of the answers, after all Darcy is no longer here to defend herself. She is the perfect scapegoat. But is it the decent and proper thing to do?
The people of Bonner County are the victims of this fraud and, as such, deserve answers. The Bonner County Board of Commissioners represent the victims and are responsible for getting the answers to this mess.
Yet the Chairman of the BOCC, Luke Omodt, has determined that it is better to walk away from the fraud and never discuss it again. He wants to “move forward” and not look back.
However, the fact is, the previous board of commissioners had the legal responsibility to complete an audit when the fraud was reported last year. Why wouldn’t they complete this task, as they were legally responsible to do so? Who is to be held accountable for this legal blunder?
The following letter reiterates that the commissioners were and are responsible for auditing the fair board!
The report states that the Bonner County Fair is not a separate legal organization from Bonner County, and therefore does not qualify as a Component Unit, and must be considered and reported as a fund of the County.
Since the previous Board were apparently negligent in their duties, it now falls to the current board to pick up this gauntlet. Yet the current chairman refuses to do so. Why is Luke Omodt refusing to allow an investigation?
Omodt was asked several weeks ago to file a formal complaint with the prosecutor’s office to have a full investigation initiated. Has he done so?
Luke is spending his time acting as if thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow. He focuses on shutting down the first amendment and misdirects everyone to worry about his fellow commissioner. This is all smoke and mirrors and the people in the county want to know Why?
What is Luke Omodt Hiding?
Honest people aren’t afraid of audits, but crooks are.
The Bonner County Republican Party is thoroughly corrupt, which
has become an agency of the Marxist Democrat Party, The Nancy
Pelosi, San Francisco leftist Democrat who hides behind the letter R,
Dan MacDonald, I believe, had a part in the Bonner County Fair issue.
They need to audit FY2022 for closure for Ms. Smith’s family and for the county. His Majesty refuses and so the debate and accusations will go on.