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Asking the Petty Tyrant Dictator Winder For His Resignation

you are no longer capable of upholding your oath of office


Asking the Petty Tyrant Dictator Winder For His Resignation

Dear Senator Winder:

I have read your letter to my representative, Senator Scott Herndon, dated November 6, 2023. In your letter you requested that Senator Herndon apologize to all the members of JFAC regarding an article he posted.

Before I launch into my feelings over this matter, I would like to personally thank you for your past service to our country as a naval aviator. I have learned through my career that it is always best to lead with a positive before addressing any behavior that needs correction.

With that said, I would now like to address your actions. First, Senator Herndon is my duly elected representative. He has represented the citizens of our district in a very professional manner. Secondly, it is his God-given right to exercise his First Amendment. The simple fact that you are attempting to micromanage what one of our representatives can or cannot say is quite simply an egregious abuse of your position. Let me remind you that Senator Herndon is my representative, not yours.

Since my first draft of this letter, I have also learned that you have targeted Senators Zuiderveld & Lenney by removing them from their respective committee leadership positions. As President Pro Tempore, you have obviously allowed your leadership position to go to your head and you are now acting like a petty tyrant dictator.

Since we are entering campaign season, it is blatantly obvious what you are doing in your attempt to smear the good names of our elected representatives. You and the corrupt establishment running our state legislature are complicit in these crimes against the good citizens of Idaho. All one must do is look at who is filling your campaign coffer to understand who you are beholden to, and it is not the citizens of Idaho.

I am calling for your immediate resignation as you are no longer capable of upholding your oath of office. Should your conscience impel you to make the right decision and resign, I will be one of the first to send you a congratulatory retirement greeting card.


Steve Fioravanti


Related:  Senator Tighty-Whities Winder

Related:   An Attack on Elected Representation

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