The West Bonner Recall
Last Wednesday evening, at the West Bonner County School District regular board meeting, Superintendent Branden Durst shared with the community that he had been informed, that morning, of $896,859 in funding from last year’s levy which can be spent on anything within that levy budget. Superintendent Durst mentioned that this funding could very well be used to fully fund the coming year’s extracurricular programs. Superintendent Durst is only a little more than a month into his tenure as the Superintendent of WBCSD – a critical mind wants to know if this money was known about during the interim superintendent’s time in the position? Was the superintendent preceding her notified of this funding? If this is district constituency tax monies, isn’t it incumbent upon said district to notify its constituents of any and all funding available to them – especially when there was a new levy proposed (to the dollar amount of 4.7 million a year for two years) in May of this year? Little attention is being paid to this huge win for WBCSD, brought about by the hire of Superintendent Durst, via Trustees Rutledge, Brown, and Reinbold. If transparency and accountability matter to you (and you live in zones 2 and 4 in WBCSD), vote AGAINST the recall on Keith Rutledge and Susan Brown in the August 29th election.
Faith Brenneman
Spirit Lake