The Consequences Of Tolerance
By Pete Ketcham
The present day corruption of our government, and the perverse degenerate morality of many of our citizens did not happen overnight, but is the result of many years of increasing national tolerance.
Even though the 60’s “Baby Boomers” are credited with beginning the “revolution” that started the nation on it’s degenerate downward path, it actually began in the 50’s In Hollywood. The movie industry began a “behind the scenes” acceptance and tolerance of the homosexual and lesbian stars the public believed were as moral in private life as the heros and heroines they portrayed on the screen.
From this acceptance by Hollywood, the homosexual/lesbian community gradually gained general acceptance through the years, and began to be tolerated throughout the nation. The “gay” (newly adopted term) community began to slowly “come out of the closet”.
This progressive acceptance of the “Gay” lifestyle continued to grow through the years to a point that it has now evolved into the most powerful moral/political juggernaut in the nation, and is now called the LGBTQ movement. There is no area in the nation it has not impacted, and in some cases taken control of, one of which is the nation’s education system. One of it’s crowning achievement at this time, is the public support and promotion by the President of the United States.
The Christian community’s present opposition to the LGBTQ lifestyle based on biblical principles, has come under vicious attacks from many different quarters of the godless LGBTQ liberal community. Many christian pastors and their congregations are intimidated by this onslaught, and remain silent.
No one back in the 60’s,70’s, or even 80’s would have thought that “Gay” bars and “Gay” parades would evolve into a major growing national movement that now appears to be unstoppable. Many Christians back then did not like what was taking place, but felt that by being tolerant and silent, they could coexist with the evil, but they were deceived.
Now there is no possibility of peaceful coexistence, for the LGBTQ community has declared war on the beliefs and principles of Christianity, and are working hard to eliminate it’s influence within the culture of the nation.
We are now reaping the consequences of past tolerance for evil and the satanic deception that enabled it.
D Simpson, just when did you vote against the ERA? There has never been a public vote on it. Only federal and state legislatures have voted on the matter.
When women were given the vote, the thought was they would only vote. But, they moved into legislating with respect to FEELINGS instead of The Constitution and the Laws.
As a woman, I voted for the first time against the ERA. I though women at home had the most important job for society: creating well functioning adults.
I also did not want to give men equal rights to women. In my humble opinion, men are not equal to life giving women. Their purpose is to support and protect, exactly how they are wired to be, for the normal, moral majority of them, anyway.
Women are superior in every way, IMO. You can argue, but you won’t convince me otherwise. I am a proud, man-loving woman. Women are the natural partners to real men. Men can build a house, but only a woman can make a family for him, and create a real home.
I don’t think the ‘gay’ movement would have gotten anywhere if women were not allowed to vote or hold office. Just my opinion. To me, once again, men bit the apple after the woman had been beguiled into doing.