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President Trump’s Future

According to all the polls, Trump has the 2024 Republican presidential nomination “wrapped up”


President Trump’s Future
(And The Republican Party)

By Pete Ketcham

It is difficult to predict what the political future holds for Trump as the fourth indictment launched by Georgia brings the total criminal charges to 91. Relying on logical odds and Democratic juries, it would seem that the resulting trials will no doubt produce some criminal felony convictions that could possibly put Trump in prison.

It is predictable that Trump will appeal all the criminal convictions, but it seems that by the time Trump fights his way through all the trials and appeals, it will be a few years beyond the 2024 election.

According to all the polls, Trump has the 2024 Republican presidential nomination “wrapped up”, but it does not look very promising that he will win the general election. Even though it is neither ethical nor fair, and even illegal in some cases, the Democrats assisted by the mainstream media and using the forthcoming criminal trials, will be able to demonize and destroy Trump’s image to the point he will be un-electable. In addition to all this, as a candidate he will be distracted and financially burdened fighting the multitude of charges.


The Republican electorate have two courses of action in their pursuit of the presidential office. They can center their efforts around Trump, his multitude of litigation baggage and his continuing narration of having an election stolen, or select a candidate that can address national issues that are of concern to a broader spectrum of the general population. This does not imply that the 2020 election was not stolen, nor that Trump is being unfairly prosecuted, but these are not winning issues for a national Republican presidential candidate.

At this time it looks like the Republican base is choosing Trump as their presidential candidate. Unless there is a significant change in the political landscape, the Republicans will lose the presidential election once again.


2 Comments on President Trump’s Future

  1. Wow, Pete wrote something that makes sense. Miracle do happen. Nominate Trump, lose another presidential election.

  2. The RINOs truly despise Trump and patriotic Americans.
    Their hatred for ordinary Americans equals that of the Marxist
    Democrats. The RINOs are telling you that since the Marxist
    Democrats control all elections by theft, the Republicans must
    choose candidates that are acceptable to the Marxist Democrats.
    Trump will go to prison for daring to stand up to the RINO, Marxist
    Democrat establishment. Trump is truly a brave man and patriot.

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