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Facts Matter in WBCSD Recall

Vote Against the WBCSD Recall

Facts Matter in WBCSD Recall

Facts Matter in WBCSD Recall

For 40+ years I worked for different employers. To get paid I had to perform because in America, employers have a right to get what they pay for.

The Recall Logo is WBCSD STRONG, but WBCSD spent $12,662 per/student with 14/1 student/teacher ratio, Idaho average is $10,105. WBCSD spending increased while student math/reading proficiency dropped. Records show only 49% of WBCSD HS students reading proficient, 39% math proficient & 65% of students graduate. WBCSD ranks 87th in Idaho & students have one of the lowest SAT averages in America, (986)

Compare; Wyoming spent $11,728 per/student, with 18/1 student/teacher ratio. Elementary/MS students tested above math/reading proficiency levels. HS students tested 38% above reading & 19% above math proficiency levels, students SAT scores (1,244), 2cnd highest in America.

2023 Idaho increased teacher’s pay $6,359, provided $100 million staff salary increases for; IT directors, cafeteria workers, bus drivers, added $27.9 million teacher’s insurance benefits, provided $48.8 million discretionary funds, increased education budget 16.4% & starting teacher’s pay to $47,477. Teachers got a 8.5% increase but demand 17%. Susan & Keith want to limit increases to 3.5/4% & budget sports & extracurricular activity funds.

I was a Boy Scout volunteer, coached baseball & gave my time to 4-H for 20+ years. Now I’m shouted down at WBCSB meetings by leftist organizers & radical CRT/LGBTQ agenda promoters claiming they’re victims while screaming that anyone stating facts doesn’t support students, while demanding recalling Susan & Keith who want transparency & improvements. Facts Matter, Vote No Recall!

DJ Wagner


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