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4 Comments on BOCC – Special Meeting Concerning HR With ANOTHER Recess

  1. They do not follow Roberts Rules. Motion made – no second, Bradshaw goes immediately to move to amend which is out of order. The motion to amend does receive a second and after discussion there is a roll call vote. Which should be for the amendment. This was an corrupted process.
    I have witnessed this on many occasions in BoCC meetings. Follow or don’t follow Roberts Rule but you can’t have it both ways.

  2. Someone who still has Bradshaws ear needs to tell him he needs to resign and get out of politics altogether.
    He looks 80 in this photo and I know for a fact that he is several years younger than I am even though we celebrate our birthdays in the same month.

  3. This dysfunctional group of commissioners can’t properly conduct their own meetings. How can they be expected or trusted to oversee other county departments?

    The next election can’t come soon enough.

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